The Ocean in a Drop - Episode 20

Hi, and welcome to The Ocean in a Drop, where we connect deeply to the world around us by connecting deeply to the world inside of us. I’m your host Mini, and I’m so glad I get to share this space with you.

Today we’re exploring the question, “What if you just asked for what you wanted and let it go?”.  We’ll also share a time of listening together.

So I actually experienced the results of asking this question in my own life. My husband loves astronomy. And in 2017, an exciting astronomical event was happening. It was a total solar eclipse that was going to be visible on a path stretching from Oregon to South Carolina in the United States. 

A total solar eclipse is when the moon completely covers the sun as it passes by, so that only the corona, the atmosphere around the sun, can be seen. 

It doesn’t happen often and it’s amazing to witness, so of course my husband wanted to see it.

The solar eclipse was going to be on Monday, Aug. 21st, 2017. I had to report for jury duty and be available through at least Friday, Aug. 18th. People had been planning trips and booking flights to see this phenomenon in some cases, years ahead of time. I wouldn’t be able to even book a flight until the Friday before it was happening. I told my husband I’d see what I could do.

Find out what happened next and have a chance to explore your own dreams by listening now.


The Ocean in a Drop - Episode 21


The Ocean in a Drop - Episode 19