The Real You
Soul Care Experience
Connect to the voice of love inside you and around you.
Highly personalized one on one coaching that honors your unique gifts and needs. Welcome home to yourself.
Listen to Your Soul, Live Your Dreams
The world doesn’t want a copy of someone else, it needs the original version you are created to be.
So let that original you come out to play and dream and see how your life unfolds and what kind of impact you can have when you live from a place of freedom instead of force, joy instead of guilt, love instead of fear.
Sometimes we need to let go of the noise of the world, so we can hear the sound of our own souls.
You can make yourself do something based on what you think will work or you can let yourself be true to what you know in your heart. If you’re ready for the second path, you’re ready to welcome and set free “The Real You.”
Apply Now to Reserve Your Spot
Contact me here and put The Real You in the subject line.
Before moving forward, we’ll set up a time to talk.
We’ll get to know each other. You can ask any questions you have. And we can see if The Real You service is a good fit for you. The first meeting is free. If we decide to continue, we can schedule our first coaching session.
This is for you if:
you’re ready to ditch working on your to do list and focus on playing with your to dream list
you see loving yourself as a necessity instead of a luxury
you’re ready to move from merely surviving to truly thriving
you’re ready to stop figuring out how to make things work and start exploring all of what’s possible for you
You could follow someone else’s map and still feel empty inside.
It’s because the love you’re looking for isn’t somewhere out there.
It’s inside you.
I can help you follow your own map and find it.
This experience is personal for me. I created for you what I longed for myself.
When you sign up for The Real You experience,
you’re getting:
A partner to check in with consistently. Someone, who you can share your biggest dreams with, and find the support, encouragement, and inspiration you need to go after them with your whole heart. No hiding or playing small allowed. Just the real you ready to shine bright and unfiltered. Because you don’t need to prove that you’re worth it (I already know you are!). Instead you get to play with freedom, so you can bring the entire force of your being to pursuing what your heart longs for.
You’ll also get one of a kind resources created just for you to
nourish your soul and create space to meditate on what gives you life.
And you’ll receive access to resources I created to
help you identify your dreams and
make decisions that match your highest priorities and values.
If you’re ready to honor and love the way you’re made and give yourself the chance to play, experiment, and follow your dreams, this space is for you.
Now is the time to see The Real You lit up by what inspires you and on fire for what you care about!
Contact me here and put The Real You in the subject line.
I can’t wait to meet the real you!
Thanks for checking out The Real You experience! Here’s a gift for visiting.
Soothe or Scare
Here’s a helpful game to play with yourself any time you are faced with a choice. The name is inspired by Truth or Dare. Don’t worry, you don’t have to share your deepest secrets or run around the neighborhood naked, unless you want to. But it can help you check in with yourself, identify how you’re feeling, and get clarity for your next steps.
Here’s how to play. When something is offered to you, ask yourself this question,
“Does doing this feel soothing or scary to me right now?”
Here’s a few other ways to play/ask when you need clarity:
“Does saying yes to it bring peace or more anxiety?”
“Do I actually want this or do I feel like I have to or am supposed to take it?”
I’ll give you an example. When the pandemic first shut down work and schools, I received a number of messages offering things to do, resources to check out, suggestions for how to keep busy, etc. But when I thought about looking into them, I felt the energy drain out of me. It didn’t feel soothing to my soul to try to jump in and fix something that had just started unfolding. It felt like an anxiety produced, knee-jerk reaction.
Instead, I felt called to rest and take things in and give myself time to be with a new reality. I also felt called to be open and learn what worked for me at my own pace. I chose to do that and moved forward with peace and clarity.
Now sometimes you may be given an opportunity or choice that feels scary but is still worth considering. For example, you’re invited to take on a new role or job or try something you haven’t done before.
If you check in with yourself and you’re not interested, the answer is clearly no.
However, if you are excited and want to do it, but it feels scary or intimidating, then ask yourself, “Am I willing to try and give myself a chance to see what’s possible?”
Sometimes fear can show up as anxiety, and sometimes it can show up as nervous excitement and we can feel like they’re the same thing.
But if you ask, “Do I actually want this if I’m not afraid of failing?”, then you can gain clarity.
If you don’t want this, then the fear is pointing you to say no to this opportunity because it’s truly not a good fit.
If you do want this, then you might be called to say yes because it is a good fit and you may need to face your fears to go after it.
Now that you know how to play, have fun saying yes to what lights you up and no to everything else!
— Love Mini