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Mini Palmer Mini Palmer

The Ocean in a Drop - Episode 5

Hi, and welcome to The Ocean in a Drop, where we connect deeply to the world around us by connecting deeply to the world inside of us. I’m your host Mini, and I’m so glad I get to share this space with you. 

Today, we’ll talk about how taking a vacation can save the world, and explore the question, “When I expect one thing, and something else happens, what gifts can I receive from the unexpected?” We’ll also share a time of listening together. 

Do you believe it’s possible to take a vacation and save the world? You’re going to find out. 

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Mini Palmer Mini Palmer

The Ocean in a Drop - Episode 4

Hi, and welcome to The Ocean in a Drop, where we connect deeply to the world around us by connecting deeply to the world inside of us. I’m your host Mini, and I’m so glad I get to share this space with you. 

How are you feeling right now? If you’re feeling confined or contained in any way, this space is for you. And I’m here to be with you and remind you that there is always room for your spirit and your voice, if you’re willing to use them.

Intrigued? Let your spirit come for a walk with mine. I am going to take you on a stroll down human history lane and introduce you to some of my friends and heroes. Each of them has also experienced containment and found a way to let their spirits soar and their voices be heard. Learn from them and remember this truth, you are not alone. They are a community you can join at any time. All you have to do is decide that you too will let your spirit soar. 

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Mini Palmer Mini Palmer

The Ocean in a Drop - Episode 3

Hi, and welcome to The Ocean in a Drop, where we connect deeply to the world around us by connecting deeply to the world inside of us. I’m your host Mini, and I’m so glad I get to share this space with you. 

Today, we’ll talk about the power of a pencil and how what we believe can create or shut down possibilities for ourselves and others. We’ll also share a time of listening together. 

When you think of a pencil, does it seem powerful, perhaps even dangerous to you? Or does it seem like an uninspiring, everyday object to you? Your view of the pencil is probably shaped by your own experiences with it and how it’s been presented to you. My own view of what a pencil is capable of, was drastically changed when I watched the first two movies about a fictional character named John Wick.

Watching his story unfold managed to change my beliefs around what was possible with something as ordinary and easily overlooked as a pencil.

Now if a story could inspire awe and fear around the potential of a pencil, what other things in our lives could be transformed from ordinary to extraordinary if we looked at them with new eyes and recognized their potential power? If we changed our beliefs about what is possible? 

Ready to dive into the ocean of possibility?

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Mini Palmer Mini Palmer

The Ocean in a Drop - Episode 2

Hi, and welcome to The Ocean in a Drop, where we connect deeply to the world around us by connecting deeply to the world inside of us.

I’m your host Mini, and I’m so glad I get to share this space with you. Today, we’ll talk about the question, “When is a dog more than a dog?”, how we assign meaning to things, how we can understand others by asking what something means to them, and practice a time of listening together.

Have you ever been curious or even frustrated because you couldn’t understand why someone was so attached to something or someone? When you give yourself or someone else the chance to think about and share why this person or thing is so meaningful to them, it’s a chance to learn about what we value and why.

We can connect deeply with ourselves and others simply by asking, “What does this mean to you?”. And then listening without judgement. It’s another way of exploring the ocean present inside each of us. 

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Mini Palmer Mini Palmer

The Ocean in a Drop - Episode 1

A space to connect deeply with the world inside you and the world around you. Find out what happens when what is present inside you meets what is possible in the universe.

Are you ready to explore your ocean?

Hi and welcome to the first episode of The Ocean in a Drop, where we connect deeply to the world around us by connecting deeply to the world inside of us.

I’m your host Mini, and I’m so glad I get to share this space with you. Today, we’ll talk about what The Ocean in a Drop refers to, what this space offers, and practice a time of listening together.

The name of this podcast comes from a quote by the poet Rumi.

He says,  “You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop.”

That is what this podcast is about, exploring and discovering what lies in the vast ocean present inside each of us and seeing what’s possible when we share that with the world around us. 

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