The Ocean in a Drop - Episode 12

Hi, and welcome to The Ocean in a Drop, where we connect deeply to the world around us by connecting deeply to the world inside of us. I’m your host Mini, and I’m so glad I get to share this space with you. 

Today we're talking about invitations and how we choose our response. We’ll also share a time of listening together. 

Do you realize you’re getting invitations all the time? From billboards, commercials, companies, your friends and family, your phone, social media. And each invitation is a request for you to invest something. It could be your time, money, talents, energy, presence, or attention. Attention is a big one.

When you look at it from this perspective, it can start to feel overwhelming and stressful. I mean how many times does your brain have to work a day to make decisions?

So how do we approach invitations and live in a way that frees us from the hamster wheel of exhaustion and just trying to keep up?

One thing that has helped me respond to invitations is to check in with myself.

I created a game to help you check in with yourself and I’m super excited to share it with you. Just go to and you'll see it when you scroll to the bottom. It’s a valuable resource you can use to help you any time you’re faced with a choice.

Want to learn more about how to make choices that value your time and energy? Listen to Episode 12 below. If it resonates for you, reach out and let me know. You can email me at I’d love to hear from you.


The Ocean in a Drop - Episode 13


The Ocean in a Drop - Episode 11