The Ocean in a Drop - Episode 13

Hi, and welcome to The Ocean in a Drop, where we connect deeply to the world around us by connecting deeply to the world inside of us. I’m your host Mini, and I’m so glad I get to share this space with you. 

Today we're celebrating the first anniversary of this podcast and how it came into the world! And while it’s not on the level of a virgin birth, it’s still pretty inspiring.

We're going to explore how this dream came true and how you can apply the lessons to your own dreams. We’ll also share a time of listening and dreaming together. It’s my gift to you.

What do a magazine article, a thought, a feeling, a growing desire, a flooded basement, an amazing cousin, and an unexpected gift have to do with a Christmas miracle? You’re about to find out. 

I also mention my cousin and his work as an artist and storyteller. Here are the links that are shared in this episode:

Instagram: @toshdoodle


The Ocean in a Drop - Episode 14


The Ocean in a Drop - Episode 12