The Ocean in a Drop - Episode 14

Hi, and welcome to The Ocean in a Drop, where we connect deeply to the world around us by connecting deeply to the world inside of us. I’m your host Mini, and I’m so glad I get to share this space with you. 

Today I want to talk about the woman who gave birth to me. This is a love letter to my mom. And if you’re just getting to know me, this is a chance to find out more about who I am by learning about who I came from. We’ll also share a time of listening together. 

People often tell me that they love my hugs. And I always respond that I learned from my mom. She wasn’t afraid to squeeze and neither am I. That’s another thing I learned from her. To put all of yourself into what you do, whether that’s a hug or anything else.

One of my guiding principles is that the truth sets you free. And when you know deep in your bones the truth that you are loved and wanted regardless of anything you accomplish or don’t accomplish, then it gives you the freedom to try, to take big leaps toward your dreams, to dream in the first place, and just see what happens. Life isn’t a test to be passed. It’s an experience to be lived. You are so much more than a success or a failure. You are a once in a lifetime human being. So enjoy yourself. Make the most of your life! My mom didn’t teach me that. She showed me that by the way she lived her life and gave me the foundation of love and acceptance to live my own life. 

To hear more about my mom and the valuable lessons I learned from her, listen to Episode 14.

If you’re ready to go for your dreams and really enjoy yourself in the process, visit to learn more about how I can help you and sign up for a consultation call.


The Ocean in a Drop - Episode 15


The Ocean in a Drop - Episode 13