The Ocean in a Drop - Episode 16

Hi, and welcome to The Ocean in a Drop, where we connect deeply to the world around us by connecting deeply to the world inside of us. I’m your host Mini, and I’m so glad I get to share this space with you. 

Today we’re exploring the wonder of getting to know ourselves and the people who cross our paths in life. We’ll also share a time of listening together.

How many times have you made up a story about someone you really haven’t taken the time to know? How many times has that story actually been true?

I spun what I thought was a reasonable story from seeing this person for a few seconds without any other context. And it was so wrong.

This is why I value treating everyone including strangers with dignity, and the kindness and respect I want to be treated with. You never know how someone is or can be connected to you. And make no mistake, every one of us is connected to each other simply because we’re alive. 

 We can miss out on a lot if we’re not open to the world around us and what it has to offer including the people who cross our paths. 

If you’re ready to live at that level where your mind is getting blown on a regular basis because you’re awake to all that life has to offer you, then I can help you. Email me at to get started.

Ready to notice and give thanks for what life is offering you today? Let’s dive in and explore together.


The Ocean in a Drop - Episode 17


The Ocean in a Drop - Episode 15