The Ocean in a Drop - Episode 17

Hi, and welcome to The Ocean in a Drop, where we connect deeply to the world around us by connecting deeply to the world inside of us. I’m your host Mini, and I’m so glad I get to share this space with you. 

Today we’re exploring what it feels like to live from a place of peace and power. We’ll also share a time of listening together. 

How do you experience this place of peace and power? How do you access that power inside of you to hold the space for yourself, even when your circumstances aren’t holding it for you?

It goes back to what Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, and Justin “Brick” Howze did in the stories I share with you today. They knew who they really were. They understood what the truth was and wasn’t. And they made a conscious decision to be true to themselves regardless of the outcome. 

I also share my own story of holding the space for myself and give you the opportunity to connect with the truth about yourself.

And if you’d like to learn more about Justin “Brick” Howze and his friend Gage Crismond who I share about in this podcast, here is a link to the L.A. Times article I referenced:

Ready to dive in?


The Ocean in a Drop - Episode 18


The Ocean in a Drop - Episode 16